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GRE Writing Template, GRE Writing Essay Template!

by 뚜바 2020. 12. 25.


Template은 Writing 시 뼈대가 되는 구조입니다. 하지만 모든 Essay에 적용할 수는 없지요. 어떤 식으로 글을 작성해 나갈 것 인지 미리 구상을 하고 그에 맞게 적재적소에 사용하는 것이 가장 이상적인 사용 방법이라 생각합니다. 기본적은 틀은 이렇게 사용했지만, 주제나 그에 따른 답변에 따라서 알맞게 순서나 단어들을 조금씩 바꿔서 사용하면 좀 더 활용도가 높을 것입니다!






As everything in life is like a coin that has two different sides, people must weigh the pros and cons before jumping to conclusions. After all, each and evey question or topic requires careful deliberation in that there are always multiple varialbes to a truth. Some may adamantly believe that ~ while other point out that such opinion lacks coherence to some extent. In my opinion, I do not agree with the statement, and believe that ~ for the following reasons.



Admittedly, ~. The behind this rationale is that ~. For instance, ~. All in all, we cannot and should not overlook the bright side of ~.



However, the majority of individual would agree with the notion that ~ will engender a myriad of (advantages/disadvantages). In the eyes of many people in the present day society, people considerably think that ~. A concrete example of this would be ~. In a nut shell, it is clear as day to me that the positive/negative aspects of ~ far outweigh its disadvantages.



Moreover, ~ can result in favorable/unfavorable ramifications. In other words, ~. To illustrate more thoroughly, ~. Hence, it is conspicuously evident that ~.



In summation, yes, it is virtually impossible to provide a completely satisfying answer to an open-ended questions. Although the jury may be out on this given essay topic, we can come to a mutual agreement that ~ mostly due to the reasons and details mentioned above.










In this argiuemtn, the author claims that ~, and the author cites that ~. However, this argument depends on several unsubstantiated assumptions and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.



First of all, the author's argument that ~ depends on the assumption that ~. Yet, the author does not provide any evidence to substantiate this assumption. In order to support this conclusion, ~ Unless the author offers sufficient well-grounded details, this argument is logically flawed.



Secondly, the claim that ~ depends on the assumption that ~. Nevertheless, in order for the argument to be successful and cnvincing, it would have to show that ~. To strengthen his or her argument, the author should closely examine all the conditions and possible factors such as ~.



Lastly, the author further assumes that ~. The problem with this argument is that ~. Without showing that the situation will last in the near future, the author cannot maintain that ~.



In conclusion, the author's conclusion that ~ is logically flawed because it primarily relies on the weak assumptions mentioned above, and the argument deos not present reliable data on ~.
