이번 글에서는 제가 토플 시험 시 사용했던 독립형 및 통합형 Essay template을 소개합니다. template 자체를 확실하게 외우고 각종 topic이나 상황에 맞게 적절하게 변형해서 사용할 수 있으면 고득점으로 갈 수 있는 길이 열릴 것이라 생각합니다. 저 역시 이 template을 사용하여 토플 writing 26,27점을 받을 수 있었습니다. (다른 영역이 바보라 총점은 고득점이지 못합니다..)
아래의 글을 참조하세요!
2020/06/16 - [Enjoy life/Ph.D Story in US] - EP003. 토플 점수부터 만들어보자!
<통합형 Template>
The reading passage and lecture have conflicting opinions about whether or not (topic). The article strongly postulates that (R's opinion). On the other hand, the listening adamantly delineates that (L's opinion). because of several compelling reasons.
First and foremost, according to the author of the excerpt, (R's 1st reason and major detail). Nonetheless, the lecture entirely offsets these points by declaring that (L's 1st argument).
On top of this, the professor in the listening accurately elucidates (L's 2nd argument). These claims utterly refute the writer's implications of how (R's 2nd reason and major detail).
The text lastly insists that (R's 3rd reason and major detail). The speaker in the lecture thoroughly counters these indications by asserting that (L's 3rd argument).
<독립형 Template>
As everything in life is like a coin that has two different sides, people must weigh the pros and cons before jumping to conclusions. After all, each and every question or topic requires careful deliberation in that there are always multiple variables to a truth. While some may adamantly consider that (나의 주장과 반대) ~, I strongly believe that such opinion lacks coherence to some extent. In my humble opinion, (나의 주장) for the following reasons.
To begin with, the majority of individuals would agree with the notion that (~ing 형태의 주장의 주어형식 S1) will engender a myriad of advantages. The main reason behind this rationale is that (이유1). In other words, (이유1을 다른 말로). To illustrate more thoroughly, (예시). All in all, we cannot and should not overlook the upside of (S1 형식의 주어 그대로 - 가능하면 paraphrasing).
Furthermore, (Not ~ing (S2): 주장에 반대되는 내용) can result in unfavorable and adverse ramifications. In the eyes of many people in present-day society, (이유2). To be specific, (이유2 다른말로). A concrete example of this would be that ~ (예시). In a nutshell, it is clear as day to me that the positive aspects of (Not S2) far outweigh its disadvantages.
In summation, yes, it is virtually impossible to provide a completely satisfying answer to an open-ended question. Although the jury may be out on this given essay topic, we can come to a mutual agreement that (결론문장 - 나의 주장 paraphrasing) mostly due to the reasons and details mentioned above.
템플릿을 보고 사용하기 전에 한번 쭉 읽어보시고 글의 흐름이 어떻게 흘러가는지 파악하시면 더 유연하게 적용하실 수 있으실 겁니다!
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